Program SoMM2024

Symposium of the Network on Monocytes & Macrophages
Preliminary Program

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Denis Escande Amphitheater – IRS-UN - Nantes

9:00 AM– Participant Reception

9:30 AM– Introduction

9:45 AM – Session "Myeloid Cells and Metabolism"

1 invited presentation (30 minutes; SpeakerPascale Jeannin, Angers) « Impact of lactic acid and acetoacetate on human macrophages »

3 junior presentations (45 minutes)

- Maaike SUURING (CR2TI, Nantes) :Comparative analysis of transcriptional and metabolic profiles in ATDC and DC10 used in myeloid regulatory cell-based immunotherapies

- Najia JEROUNDI (Innate Immunity and Cancer, Angers): Glycogenesis and glyconeogenesis from glutamine, lactate and glycerol support human macrophage functions

- Alison DUMONT (CR2TI, Nantes) : Human Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells used in clinic regulate CD8+ T cells by their secretome

11:00 AM – Break and Poster Session

11:30 AM – Session "Roles of Myeloid Cells in Disease"

1 invited presentation (30 minutes; Speaker: Gaëtan Juban, Lyon) « Efferocytosis-mediated resolution of inflammation during normal and pathological skeletal muscle regeneration »

3 junior presentations (45 minutes):

- Olivier BORTOLOTTI (IRBM, Montpellier) : Age-Associated Macrophage Deficits Drive Fibrotic Remodeling in Synovial Joints

- Nicolas GAIGEARD (RMeS, Nantes):Single-cell transcriptomic analyses of OA synovial macrophages reveal pathotype-specific profiles.

- Monika MYKHAYLISHYN (CR2TI, Nantes) :Macrophage dysfunction in Crohn's Disease

12:45 PM – Lunch and Poster Session

2:15 PM– Session "Myeloid Cells & Infections"

1 invited presentation (30 minutes; Speaker: Molly Ingersoll, Paris) « Macrophages in the Bladder Mucosa »

3 junior presentations (45 minutes)

- Thomas OGOR (CR2TI, Nantes) : Absence of the innate immune checkpoint CLEC-1 prevents the establishment of the immunosuppressive state of myeloid cells during sepsis in mice

- Camille DAVID (CEPR, Tours): Influenza virus induces distinct alterations in human and mouse alveolar macrophages: a comparative analysis

- Alexandre MAYE (CR2TI, Nantes) : Study of glycolytic mononuclear phagocytes in the tumor microenvironment

3:30 PM – Break and Poster Session:

4:00 PM – Session "Myeloid cells in Inflammation and Resolution"

1 invited presentation (30 minutes; Speaker: Sylvain Perruche, Besançon) « Dysregulation and Reengagement of Resolution »

3 junior presentations (45 minutes):

- Agathe DEPAIRE (Immunoconcept, Bordeaux):IL-1β and microvascular endothelial cells synergize to favor altered macrophage efferocytosis: implication in SSc

- Tiphaine DELAUNAY (CRCI2NA, Nantes):Influence of pleural mesothelioma tumor cells on the macrophage subpopulations present in the tumor microenvironment.

- Dima GHANNOUM (Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest, Angers):Shedding light on tumor-monocyte interactions with 3D cell culture models of triple negative breast cancers

5:15 PM– Conclusion

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